Too often veterans have no idea what resources are available to them. And even when they do know, many struggle to find someone who can assist with acquiring these benefits. Columbia Basin Veterans Center provides a one-stop resource of all local services- benefits, employment, housing, and counseling.
Transitional Housing Program
CBVC began its transitional housing program on August 16, 2011, with the opening of the Wagenaar-Pfister House in Kennewick, WA. The Wagenaar-Pfister House was developed to assist 4 veterans with up to 2 years of transitional housing in a clean and sober living environment. We have since added the Alexander house in Richland. Our Housing Case Manager provides direct support services to help veterans quickly regain stability in permanent housing. This is accomplished by developing individualized case management plans including identification of existing barriers to self-sufficiency, setting housing and income goals, and developing an action plan. The HCM provides education to veterans about Veteran Affairs (VA) benefits and makes referrals to appropriate providers and resources.
VESTRA Program
The VESTRA (Veterans Short Term Rental Assistance) program is a Rapid Re-housing/Homelessness Prevention program to assist veterans and their families from becoming homeless. Staff will work with clients to assist them in creating a housing stability plan and short term financial goals by individualized counseling and follow up with clients on a monthly basis during the entire program period of six (6) months. The Homeless Prevention component of the program is restricted to assisting individuals/households who meet specific income requirements and who have received an eviction notice due to the lack of payments. Staff and clients will work together to identify specific barriers to stable housing. CBVC staff will then provide continuous education to assist with budgeting, tenant, and job seeking skills. Staff will also work to ensure that all households are successfully connected to community recourses.
Veterans Therapeutic Court
Benton County Veterans Therapeutic Court transforms the lives of justice involved veterans by reframing the traditional legal process through treatment and mentorship.
The CBVC Mentor Coordinator assists the court while providing mentors for each participant. The MC also holds regular training, forums and continued assistance to ensure each veteran is given the chance they need to move forward in life.
If you are an honorably discharged veteran and have the time and interest to help a fellow veteran as a mentor, please contact Steve Lehto by email or text for more information.
steve@columbiabasinvetcenter.org | 918.520.1317